Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lose weight after pregnancy

To get back into shape after pregnancy,
it is mandatory for you to lose weight.

Otherwise, how are you going to achieve
a shapely body without getting rid of the fat
and cellulite ?

Thus to get back the svelte shape that you
have always yearn for, it is recommended
that you buy and read these "getting back
into shape" books and DVDs :

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pregnancy and Weight Gain - Feeling Beautiful While Pregnant

Pregnancy and weight gain go hand in hand. It is only natural for a pregnant woman to feel like she is overweight and unattractive. The truth is, you are not unattractive when you are pregnant. Believe it or not, a pregnant woman has a special glow to her that turns men's heads.
Weight gain is a natural occurrence during pregnancy and is actually an important part of it. When you are pregnant, you tend to eat more because you are eating for more than just yourself. Everything you eat nourishes your baby so you do not want to try and diet in the hopes of losing weight or you could risk the health of your baby. Normal weight gain during pregnancy is around 25 to 35 pounds and a little over is fine as long as you are being monitored by your doctor. Just know that the weight you are carrying is your healthy child inside of you.
Nevertheless, there are some things you can do for pregnancy and weight gain that will help you look and feel more beautiful. This starts with the clothes that you wear. Many pregnant women make the mistake of trying to squeeze into their regular clothes. Even if the clothes you are wearing are stretchable, it is not a good idea to attempt this because it is unflattering. Be proud of the new body you are developing that is holding your unborn child and go maternity. There are a great deal of maternity clothes that are quite fashionable that will make you look great.
Another thing you can do for yourself while experiencing pregnancy and weight gain is get your hair styled. If you are experiencing morning sickness or are too tired all the time to manage your long hair, get it cut. Short hair looks great on pregnant women. If you want to keep the long hair, be sure to comb it and style it each day. This will do wonders for your looks and your confidence.
Do something that you enjoy. Go out shopping with friends or out for a walk in nature. Just get yourself out there and out of the house. It is when you are home all the time, letting yourself go that you start to feel down on yourself. Also, when you are out and about, wear that smile. There is a saying that you cannot feel down if you have a smile on your face.
Pregnancy and weight gain does not have to get you down. Women who are pregnant have glowing skin, better nails and hair and are just plain adorable. Be happy in your pregnant body and just realize that pretty soon you will be back to yourself in no time as you hold your little one in your arms.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Have a Beautiful Pregnancy - You Can Look and Feel Great During Pregnancy

Do you want to have a beautiful pregnancy? Of course you do, I mean, what woman does not want to look and feel her best all the time? But it is just so darn hard to feel pretty during pregnancy. Your body is blowing up at an unprecedented rate, your feet are swollen, you have heartburn, the list goes on and on. You are better off just putting on a pair of sweats and lying on the couch all day, right?
No way! Pregnancy is such a wonderful time in your life you should enjoy it and look and feel great during pregnancy. It is possible to have a fit, stylish, and all around pretty pregnancy. You deserve to have a beautiful pregnancy so do what it takes to feel good about your baby bump.
So many pregnant women kind of "let themselves go" during pregnancy. They maybe pamper themselves a little too much, maybe give in to their food cravings too much. They put on a lot more baby weight than necessary and go through pregnancy feeling fat and unhappy with how they look. Even worse they struggle, maybe for years, after pregnancy to lose their baby weight.
Do not let this happen to you! It isn't that hard to take care of yourself when pregnant. By following a few basic guidelines you can look and feel beautiful, and dare I say, even a little sexy while you are pregnant.
Get some some stylish maternity clothes: Why not pamper yourself a little during pregnancy, you deserve it. Get some stylish maternity clothes. When you dress nice you will feel good about yourself and it will lead to you taking better care of yourself. You do not need to spend an arm and a leg. Many of the major department stores offer great looking maternity clothes at reasonable prices.
Do not eat for two: Many women gibe into the "eating for two" excuse during pregnancy and use it as an excuse to over-indulge or give into their food cravings. Yes, you need to provide your growing baby with nourishment but you are not eating for two adults. You only need to take in about 300 extra calories per day to provide the baby with proper nourishment. Eat healthy during pregnancy.
Stay active during pregnancy: Many women think that they need to "take it easy" on themselves during pregnancy. This simply is not true. It is not only safe, but recommended to exercise during pregnancy. Unless you are under special instruction from your doctor to go easy during pregnancy you should be staying active and even following a special exercise program for expecting mothers. Staying fit during pregnancy has many health benefits for both mommy and baby and will help you to get back to pre-pregnancy safe much more quickly after baby comes.
So there you have it. Having a beautiful pregnancy is as easy as one, two, three. Follow these three easy steps and you will find yourself feeling wonderful during pregnancy and lose your baby weight quickly after the delivery.
Are you ready to learn the exact steps you need to take to have a beautiful pregnancy? It's easy! You're about to learn the truth about why you do not have to go through pregnancy feeling overweight and unattractive.
Fast-track your way to looking fantastic, feeling full of energy, and regaining your figure easily with the top rated pregnancy program. Join the thousands of women who used this program to have a fit and fantastic pregnancy

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love Your Baby Bump! How to Look Beautiful During Pregnancy

Hey mommy-to-be, congratulations on entering one of the most wonderful, exciting, and most rewarding times of your life; Your Pregnancy! I want to help you embrace this time. Too many women are embarrassed or shy about their pregnant bodies, but I do not want you to feel this way. Love your baby bump!
You are a beautiful pregnant woman, you are about to produce life! You should feel proud and good about yourself while you are pregnant. During my first pregnancy I allowed myself to be shy and, unfortunately, a little bit embarrassed about my pregnant body. I wore lare, baggy sweatshirts through most of my pregnancy, and frankly, I stayed at home most of the time.
But after I gave birth to my baby boy I felt so proud and wonderful that I promised myself that I would revel in my next pregnancy. When I got pregnant with my daughter I embraced my pregnancy and allowed myself to feel and look wonderful. My second pregnancy was so much more liberating for me as I let myself really enjoy being a mother to be. Here is what I did to feel beautiful during pregnancy.
Get Out There-Keep doing the things you love to do during pregnancy. Do not allow yourself to hole yourself in during pregnancy. Sure you will get your "nesting" instincts but let yourself get out there. If you love going out to eat, by all means keep doing so. Go to the mall, go out with your girlfriends. Yes, you will need to take it a little easier on yourself and by by your third trimester you may want to stay in and take it easy. That is ok, but when you are feeling up to it do the things you love to do.
Allow Yourself To Look Good-As I said earlier during my first pregnancy I went with the "baggy" look. I wore loose fitting clothes that hid my pregnant tummy. But in my second pregnancy I wore clothes that complimented my pregnant body. Go ahead and love your baby bump, do not hide it. There are so many options in maternity clothes these days. There are many more fashionable offerings. Spoil yourself and get some great looking and stylish maternity clothes.
Follow a Pregnancy Fitness Program-That is right; exercise during pregnancy. Most expecting women think that pregnancy is the time to "take it easy" and indulge in those food cravings. No way! Unless you are under special instruction from your doctor go get some exercise. If you want to love your baby bump you want to keep it tight and in good shape.Exercising during pregnancy will help you not only look beautiful during pregnancy; it can also shorten your labor period and get back to pre-pregnancy shape after baby comes. Yes, there are some special considerations you have to follow but you can make sure you are exercising safely by following a fitness program designed for pregnant women

Ladies - How You Can Deal With Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Many women will experience hair loss following pregnancy. It is a perfectly normal occurrence, and doesn't require any treatment, as your hair is simply returning to its pre-pregnancy state.
Normal Hair Growth
Hair normally goes through an anagen cycle - the growth phase - and telogen - the resting phase. The anagen cycle lasts four to seven years, when you will experience hair growth of about half an inch per month. After the growth period, the hair enters the resting phase, which will usually last about three months. Then follows anagen again, growing a fresh hair and pushing the old one out of the follicle, so that it falls out. Some hair follicles can be in telogen all the time, and it is considered normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day.
Hair Growth During Pregnancy
One of the many things that makes a pregnant woman look beautiful is their thick, luxurious hair. This is caused by the hormones of pregnancy keeping most hair follicles in the anagen state, or growing. If you normally lose 100 hairs a day, and pregnancy lasts 280 days, the result is a lot of hair that you get to keep during that period.
What Happens After Pregnancy
Once the baby is born, however, hormones change rapidly, and all those hair follicles will go into the resting state, or telogen, at the same time. Telogen lasts about three months, so about three months after the baby is born, all 28,000 of those hairs will fall out at about the same time.
Unfortunately, this hair loss is happening at about the same time that you are experiencing a huge emotional letdown from pregnancy and you're also sleep deprived. It can be enough to send a girl over the edge!
Taking Care of Yourself
When you experience hair loss following pregnancy, it's time to do something for yourself. Have Daddy or a friend look after the baby for a few hours and get yourself to a good hairdresser.
The most effective (and enjoyable) way to manage hair loss after pregnancy is to treat yourself to an attractive new hairdo. Ask your hairdresser to give you a good cut, and maybe some highlights or new color as well. Ask for a style that is easily managed on your busy schedule, but that also looks great on you.
Why not try out some new volumizing hair products as well? Shampoo, conditioner, mousse, and hair serum can all make your hair look and feel thicker and fuller than it really is. Pretty barrettes and clips can also help you feel and look prettier.
Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal and natural occurrence. You're not going bald - your hair won't fall out completely. You're just losing the "extra" hair that you grew during your pregnancy. You are equally as beautiful as a new mom as you were prior to pregnancy, but you probably won't have the same amount of time to spend on your hair. A new hairdo that's easy to maintain can make you feel as lovely as you look. Go get it!